Friday, January 11, 2013

MCQ in Parasitology:Malaria life cycle, pathogenesis and diagnosis

You can try these mentioned MCQs in malaria and post the right answers as comments. I will post right answer later.

MCQ Malaria 1. Trophozoites, Schizonts and gametocytes of all the malarial parasites are seen in the peripheral blood smear except;
a. P. falciparum
b. P. malariae
c. P. ovale
d. P. vivax
MCQ Malaria 2. Black water fever is a special manifestation of malaria caused by;
a. P. falciparum
b. P. malariae
c. P. ovale
d. P. vivax
MCQ Malaria 3. After sporozoite gain entrance to human body it undergoes developmental cycle first in liver than in RBC, only after which fever is seen. This incubation period varies between plasmodium species, and ………….. species has longest incubation period.
a. P. falciparum
b. P. malariae
c. P. ovale
d. P. vivax

MCQ Malaria 4. Which of the following statement(s) regarding Plasmodium falciparum are true?
a. causes more severe disease in pregnancy
b. is associated with recurrent relapses after initial treatment because of liver hypnozoites
c. is the only malarial parasite causing greater than 20% parasitaemia
d. infection is typically associated with thrombocytopaenia
e. is the only cause of cerebral malaria
MCQ Malaria 5. Mosquitoes is/are the vector in the following disorder(s)
a. onchocerciasis
b. visceral leishmaniasis
c. African trypanosomiasis
d. Bancroftian filariasis
MCQ Malaria 6. Which of the following statement(s) regarding vivax malaria is (are) true

a. may be complicated by anaemia
b. may be complicated by jaundice
c. in a traveller may present more than six months after exposure
d. is sensitive to chloroquine
e. may co-exist with falciparum malaria in the same patient


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