Saturday, February 18, 2012

Syllabus of Medical Microbiology: Bacteriology of M.Sc 2nd year Tribhuvan University

Optional Course II: Medical Microbiology
Course title: Bacteriology (Systematic and Diagnostic) Full Marks: 100
Course No: MB 621 Pass Marks: 40
Nature of Course: Theory Year II

Course Objective
Up on completion of the course the students will
  1. have advanced knowledge on systematics of medically important bacteria
  2. be able to understand structure, physiology, pathogenesis and principles and procedures of various diagnostic methods of medically important bacteria.
  3. Have advanced knowledge on isolation, characterization, identification, and typing of medically important bacteria.
  4. Have advanced skills on processing clinical specimns for bacteriological analysis and disease diagnosis.

Course Contents
Systematic Bacteriology
Classfication, structure, physiology and pathogenesis and medical importance of;
  1. Aerobic/microaerophilic gram negative rods and cocci: Campylobacter, Helicobacter, Acetobacter, Brucella, Legionella, Neisseria, Branhamella, Kingella, Moraxella, Acinetobacter, Comomonas, Alcaligenes, Bordetella, Pseudomonas, Francisella: 15 hrs
  2. Facultative anaerobic gram negative rods: Providencia, Salmonella, Shigella, Yersinia, Gardenella, Vibrio, Pleisomonas, Aeromonas, Escherichia Coli, Citrobacter, Hafnia, Morganella, Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Proteus, Serratia, Pasteurella, Hemophilus.: 20 hrs
  3. Gram negative anaerobic rods and cocci: Bacteroides, Veillonella: 2 hrs
  4. Gram positive cocci: Micrococcus, Staphylococcus, Streptococcus, Peptococcus, Peptostreptococcus: 8 hrs
  5. Gram positive endospore forming rods and cocci: Bacillus, Clostridium: 4 hrs
  6. Gram positive non sporing rods: Lactobacillus, Listeria : 2 hrs
  7. Actinomycetes and related bacteria: Actinomyces, Nocardia: 3 hrs
  8. Mycobacterium, Corynebacterium, Mycoplasma: 5 hrs
  9. The Spirochetes: Leptospira, Treponema, Borrelia: 3 hrs
  10. Rickettsias: Coxiella, Rickettsia, Chalamydia: 3 hrs.

Diagnostic Bacteriology
  1. Laboratory safety and quality control: Laboratory organization and bio-safety requirements of bacteriology laboratory, Quality control and management of bacteriology laboratory- 5 hrs
  2. Methods of identification and typing of bacteria: 20 hrs
    Principles and procedures of different microscopy and staining;
    Identification based on Morphological, Cultural and Biochemical properties of Bacteria, Identification using rapid and automated methods;
    Serological and immunological Methods- Principle, procedure and application of Agglutination and Precipitation tests, immunostaining and immunoflourescence test, ELISA, Radioimmunoassay (RIA), and Immunoelectrophoresis;
    Typing methods-Principle, Procedure and application of Biotyping, Serotyping, Phage typing, Molecular typing methods;
    Methods for Testing Antimicrobial Susceptibility-Kirby Bauer Disc Diffusion method, MIC determination, ESBL testing,
  3. Selection, Collection, transportation, and processing of specimens for conventional and rapid laboratory diagnosis of bacterial infections: 30 hrs
    Respiratory Tract Infection, Urinary Tract Infection, Gastrointestinal Tract Infection-Cholera and other diarrheal diseases, food poisoning, Genital Tract Infections-Bacterial Vaginosis, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID); Sexually transmitted infections-Gonorrhea,Syphilis, Chlamydial infection; Eye Infection, Ear Infections; Oral Infections-Mandibular abscess, Gingivitis and Anaerobic infection of Oral Cavity; Gas Gangrene, Peptic Ulcer; Tuberculosis, Leprosy, Enteric Fever, Bacteremia, Septicemia, Bacterial Endocarditis, Meningitis.

Recommended Books
  1. Mackie and McCartney (1996) Medical Microbiology, Churchill Livingstone
  2. Topley, W.W.C. (Author), Wilson.G.S. (Author), Parker. M.T. (Editor), Collier, L.H. (Editor) (1990) Topley and Wilson's Principles of Bacteriology, Virology and Immunity, Hodder Arnold
  3. Baron E.J. Peterson L.R. And Finegold, S.M (1990) Bailey and Scott's Diagnostic Microbiology, Mosby
  4. Gracia L.S. (2004) Clinical Laboratory Management, LSG and Associates.

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